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Green production

HungYuan In the development of enterprises in the process has been based on Energy saving and low emissions Concept,
This philosophy throughout the entire enterprise operations:


Ⅰ. We use energy storage heating units

Can fully utilize national night electricity to provide heat to achieve zero pollution at the same time, 62.5% lower energy costs.


Ⅱ. All of the equipment installed exhaust pipe heat recovery unit

Achieve maximize heat recycling, reducing energy demand, Recovering about 70% of the original emission of heat.


Ⅲ. Utility of ground source heat pump

It can achieve its relatively traditional air-conditioning savings of about 40% of the electricity consumption.


HP introduced digital printing equipment in the entire printing process without solvents, without debugging, fully enclosed, full of intelligent control, which will be the trend of future development.


HungYuan Print Over the years uphold the 'integrity' of the core values, adhere to the 'people' oriented business beliefs, Emphasis on staff development, and stressed the importance of business ethics and morality, In addition to the constant pursuit of innovation and provide value-added services, Pay more attention to business and social sustainability (sustainability), Fulfill citizens (corporate citizen) of corporate responsibility.


In view of global warming, climate change is worsening, the company attaches particular importance to environmental issues, The CSR Group for the year as a focus on policy and action programs to promote the concept of 3R:
Reduce the use of (Reduce), reuse (Reuse), recycling (Recycle), And by the development of energy saving and environmentally friendly materials, reduce waste impact on the environment.


As a global brand customers, partners, suppliers in addition to compliance with the code of conduct, to show ethical behavior, For all activities within the scope of the company's operations caused by environmental factors are strictly control, And to ensure that employees have a healthy and safe working environment and working conditions, Continues to meet legal and regulatory requirements, in order to obtain long-term development opportunities.

Environmental certification
+86 023-48667777 Feng.cheng@hyprint.com.cn
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